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- Madhya Pradesh
About Madhya Pradesh State
Madhya Pradesh is a State/Ut in India. As per the data provided by Census of India in 2011, total population of Madhya Pradesh was 72,626,809 which is 6.00% of total population of India.Madhya Pradesh covers 308,252 Km2 area. Sex ratio of Madhya Pradesh's population is 931 females for every 1000 males, while child sex ratio is 918 females out of 1000 males.
For better understaing, details are categorized in four sections i.e. Population of Madhya Pradesh, Urban/Rural population of Madhya Pradesh, Literacy data of Madhya Pradesh and Religion wise data of Madhya Pradesh. Below are the full details and list of districts in Madhya Pradesh, India. Select any of these to know detailed information about them.
Area, population and sex ratio of Madhya Pradesh
Total Population | 72,626,809 | Population (%) | 6 |
Male Population | 37,612,306 | Sex Ratio | 931 |
Female Population | 35,014,503 | Child Sex Ratio | 918 |
Area ( In Km. Square ) | 308,252 |
Madhya Pradesh has a total population of 72,626,809 people. Out of this, the male population stands at 37,612,306 while the female population 35,014,503. The state area is 308,252 square kilometers.
In terms of demographic statistics, Madhya Pradesh has sex ratio of 931 females per 1000 males and The child sex ratio is 918. Madhya Pradesh makes up 6.00% of India's total population.
Urban/Rural Population of Madhya Pradesh
Urban Population | 20,069,405 | Rural Population | 52,557,404 |
Urban Population (%) | 27.63 | Rural Population (%) | 72.37 |
Urban Population Growth (%) | 25.69 | Rural Population Growth (%) | 18.42 |
Urban male Population | 10,462,918 | Rural Male Population | 27,149,388 |
Urban Female Population | 9,606,487 | Rural Female Population | 25,408,016 |
Urban Sex Ratio | 918 | Rural Sex Ratio | 936 |
Madhya Pradesh urban population is 20,069,405 (27.63% of the total), while the rural population is 52,557,404 (72.37% of the total). The urban population growth rate is significantly higher at 25.69% compared to the rural growth rate of 18.42%.
Among the urban population 10,462,918 are males, and 9,606,487 are females, resulting in an urban sex ratio of 918 females per 1000 males. In the rural population 27,149,388 are males and 25,408,016 are females, resulting in an rural sex ratio of 936 females per 1000 males.
Literacy data of Madhya Pradesh
Total Literate | 42,851,169 | Literacy (%) | 69.32 |
Male Literate | 25,174,328 | Male Literacy (%) | 78.73 |
Female Literate | 17,676,841 | Female Literacy (%) | 59.24 |
Urban Literate | 14,569,183 | Rural Literate | 28,281,986 |
Urban Male Literacy (%) | 88.67 | Rural Male Literacy (%) | 74.74 |
Urban Female Literacy (%) | 69.46 | Rural Female Literacy (%) | 48.49 |
The literacy data of Madhya Pradesh highlights a total literacy rate stands at 69.32% with 42,851,169 literate individuals. Male literacy is 78.73% while female literacy is lower at 59.24% among them, 25,174,328 males and 17,676,841 females are literate, highlighting a gender gap.
Urban areas show higher literacy rate with 14,569,183 people being literate, with men at 88.67% and female at 69.46%, compared to rural areas whereas 28,281,986 people are literate, with male at 74.74% and female at 48.49%. Highlights a gap between urban and rural literacy rates.
Religion Wise Data of Madhya Pradesh
Hindu | 66,007,121 | Hindu (%) | 90.89 |
Muslim | 4,774,695 | Muslim (%) | 6.57 |
Sikh | 151,412 | Sikh (%) | 0.21 |
Christian | 213,282 | Christian (%) | 0.29 |
Jain | 567,028 | Jain (%) | 0.78 |
Buddhist | 216,052 | Buddhist (%) | 0.30 |
Other | 599,594 | Other (%) | 0.83 |
Not Avaiable | 97,625 | Not Avaiable (%) | 0.13 |
Madhya Pradesh population is mostly hindu (90.89 %%) with a total 66,007,121 people. Muslim(6.57 %%) with a total 4,774,695 people. Sikh are (0.21 %%) with a total 151,412 people. Smaller communities include Christian (0.29 %% with 213,282 people). Jain (0.78 %% with 567,028 people) Buddhist (0.30 %% with 216,052 people) and Other (0.83 %% with 599,594 people). Around (0.13 %% with 97,625 people) did not specify their religion.