About Kamrup Metropolitan
Kamrup Metropolitan is a district in Assam, India. As per the data provided by Census of India in 2011, total population of Kamrup Metropolitan was 1,253,938 with a growth rate of 18.34%. Kamrup Metropolitan covers 955 Km2 area. Sex ratio of Kamrup Metropolitan's population is 936 females for every 1000 males, while child sex ratio is 946 females out of 1000 males.
For better understaing, details are categorized in four sections i.e. Population of Kamrup Metropolitan, Urban/Rural population of Kamrup Metropolitan, Literacy data of Kamrup Metropolitan and Religion wise data of Kamrup Metropolitan. Below are the full details and list of tehsils in Kamrup Metropolitan, Assam, India. Select any of these to know detailed information about them.
Area, population and sex ratio of Kamrup Metropolitan
Urban/Rural Population of Kamrup Metropolitan
Literacy data of Kamrup Metropolitan
Religion Wise Data of Kamrup Metropolitan
List of tehsils in Kamrup Metropolitan
6 Listings are available