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Out of the 36 broad states of our motherland, choose one you're interested in.

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For the chosen state, choose one of the listed districts.

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For the chosen state and district, choose one of the listed Tehsils.

Arrow 3

For the chosen state, district and tehsil, choose one of the listed Village.


Coronavirus outbreak live updates

โ€œThe dreadful Corona is now spreading on a larger scale. In December 2019, a pneumonia outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China. People are actually suffering from Corona big time.
Now, the actual concern is- How to eradicate Corona? By continuosly washing hands by alcohol based rub. By social distancing and so on! Corona basically spreads from droplets of saliva and discharge from saliva.
As of now, there are no specific vaccines from WHO but being positive and following the guidelines from WHO. WHO will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical findings become available. Good Luck and All The Best!